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Month: June 2004

Book 1 Journal Entry 139

Book 1 Journal Entry 139

Journal 139

I didn’t go to bed until late. I was up talking with Yates, Tony, Hemy, Matt and Pete. We sat in the cafeteria, discussed the Black Cobras, and ate cinnamon buns until way after midnight. Hemy stumbled across the cinnamon buns at a roadside stand and traded a rechargeable battery for them. They were so good. I haven’t had a cinnamon bun in years.

I slept so well after I crawled into my bed. I think it’s because General Yates and his soldiers were sleeping out on my front lawn. I offered to let them sleep in the gymnasium, but Yates said they would be more comfortable sleeping outside underneath the stars. Actual soldiers posted around Bear Country have eliminated my worries of an invasion by the Black Cobras, at least for the moment.

By the time I woke Yates and his soldiers had already put in a full day of work. Yates sent some of his men out on a mission to gather information. They were returning by the time I finished my breakfast. Joshua arrived shortly after that. He apologized for not being able to attend a meeting yesterday but there had been trouble out at the Spurs Fort.

Joshua hasn’t had a lot of difficulty or problems out at the Spurs Fort unless you count the cattle raiders that were a significant problem when they first moved to Bear Country. Most of the local gangs look at the Spurs as an asset to the community. To my surprise, the difficulties yesterday involved the Blue Monarchs. A couple of Joshua’s gang members were on security rounds and discovered two dead Monarchs sitting against their south wall. It looked as if they had overdosed on Bliss.

Book 1 Journal Entry 138

Book 1 Journal Entry 138

Journal 138

Joshua sent a return runner to Bear Country. He couldn’t attend a meeting until tomorrow. He had issues to deal with at the Spurs Fort that couldn’t wait. Our runner sent to get in touch with Hess of the Blue Monarchs returned without an answer. She has once again gone into hiding.

General Yates and I had a long talk. When I sent Sheriff Pete and Jonas to Fort Shasta, I was hoping General Yates could help us with a solution to get rid of the Black Cobras. Our own efforts are failing. We have tried to stop their supply lines but Bliss continues to pour into the community. We have placed posters all around town discouraging people from joining the Cobras. We have held rallies protesting against the Black Cobras and their production of Bliss. The Black Cobras retaliate by placing people in their jails, humiliating them in the streets or worse executing them for everyone to see. Life as a Black Cobra is not an easy one, they have a great deal of enemies. I have run across several dead Cobras displayed in the streets. No one claims the kill for fear of retaliation. Their numbers continue to grow.

People fill the streets that are unable to stand, walk, or talk clear sentences. They sleep in the gutters. The Black Cobras continue to recruit. Their gang numbers grow daily. Individual gang assets are quickly becoming Black Cobra property. Out of desperation and the need for more Bliss people, swear their allegiance and hand over their property to the Cobras.

I took Yates on a tour of the safer parts of town around Bear Country. I wanted him to see what was happening. (We didn’t go alone we had several armed guards carrying weapons.) Even in the safe part of town, you could see the effects of Bliss on the community. Yates was impressed by the tour and at the same time appalled by what he saw. He asked me to leave this behind and return with him to the safety of Fort Shasta. I think I need to try to fix the problem. For some reason it just feels wrong to walk away. I am tempted.

Book 1 Journal Entry 137

Book 1 Journal Entry 137

Journal 137

Sheriff Pete and Jonas returned home safely and in time to save the day. I think I worried the entire time they were gone. The walk toward Fort Shasta led right through Alexandria City and Mathias’ slave trade. Security has not been the same since Pete left. His deputies did a good job, but I feel safer when Pete is here. Matt was glad to see his brother again. He never mentioned Jonas being gone but you could tell on his return that Matt missed him. Hugs and High fives were everywhere.

I felt tremendous relief when I saw Yates jump off the truck. If anyone could help solve the Black Cobra and Bliss problem, it would be Yates and his soldiers. I could have avoided this entire Black Cobra issue if I had stayed with Yates at Fort Shasta. I was so very close to giving up everything here.

Yates had his soldiers park their trucks around Bear Country and he posted guards. I am hoping to have a gang meeting. I sent a runner to get Joshua. I also sent a runner to try to get a hold of Hess and the Blue Monarchs. If we find Hess, I don’t think she will attend the meeting, but I thought it would be politically correct to invite her.  She is very allusive and has her own agenda.

Information travels fast. It wasn’t long before gangs from the surrounding area were checking out Yates’ soldiers and the trucks he brought to Bear Country.

Book 1 Journal Entry 136

Book 1 Journal Entry 136

Journal 136

Yesterday was a long and tiring day. Matt, Hemy, Tony, Lisa and I went hunting for Black Cobras. We didn’t catch any. Actually, we didn’t make much of an effort because even if we did capture a Cobra while in the middle of town, we wouldn’t have been able to get him out without capture. There were entirely too many blockades to get through. I think catching Black Cobras should be reserved for those Cobras traveling on the edge of town or those near Bear Country. Bear Country has not given up on its fight with the Cobras; our efforts to undermine their hold on our town continues in many other ways.

I was exhausted and my feet hurt by the time we got back to Bear Country. Tony and I grabbed something to eat. He was in the mood to talk. I don’t think I actually comprehended half of what he was saying during the meal. Afterward, I went up to my room in the admin hallway and went to bed.

Around 8 am this morning, one of Sheriff Pete’s deputies interrupted my perfectly good sleep by knocking on my door. The Black Cobras were on our front lawn. They were trying to place signs on our campus claiming Bear Country was under new management. Yesterday I made a regrettable decision. Signing those documents to get patches to gain easier access to areas blocked off in town was a mistake in judgment. I should have followed my gut feelings.

I think I was the last person to know the Black Cobras were in Bear Country. (See what happens when I sleep in.) Almost everyone residing in Bear Country was already outside.  Hemy, Tony and a couple of Pete’s deputies were holding back the Cobras trying to keep them from entering Bear Country. Matt was actually fighting with one of the Black Cobras on the front lawn. Matt looked like he was winning. I was getting ready to break up the fight when I heard trucks coming up the street. It was General Yates and a group of his soldiers from Ft Shasta. The army had arrived. I have never been so glad to see someone. The Cobras didn’t hang around but the leader of the little gang trying to gain access to Bear Country said they would be back. I don’t doubt they’ll try.

Book 1 Journal Entry 135

Book 1 Journal Entry 135

Journal 135

Matt, Hemy, Tony, Lisa and I went traveling through town looking for Black Cobras to abduct. I felt like we were mice in a maze. It seems like every time we turned a corner we would run into a blockade. The only people allowed through the blockade were those wearing Black Cobra patches. Matt and Hemy suggested we all get patches. It would make our travel through town easier and less time consuming. I was totally against that. I was not going to wear one of those patches and be associated with being a follower of the Black Cobras. We all ducked behind a building and debated the issue. After several minutes of a semi loud discussion, I agreed to wear the patch. I was not wearing it on a daily basis and it came off as soon as we were on the edge of town. The five of us walked up to a Cobra Barricade. We joyfully asked for a patch.

Getting the patch wasn’t as easy as we thought it would be. We all had to agree to have our pictures taken, fingerprints and sign a document that said we agreed to the rules and laws set forth by the Black Cobras. I almost backed out. I did not want to sign on the line. I felt as if I was betraying Bear Country. I could tell the others were having the same thoughts. Traveling through town was easier with the patch. The Black Cobras just waved you through the barricades. This could partly explain why so many people had them.

The patch didn’t solve our other issue. Even if we caught a Black Cobra, how were we supposed to get him or her to the Blue Monarchs holding area for disposal?

Book 1 Journal Entry 134

Book 1 Journal Entry 134

Journal 134

We voted and Victor lost.

I felt sorry for Victor. He stood in the center of the room staring at the floor. Not once did he raise his head. I think he knew how the vote was going to play out before we even began. I gave everyone in the room the chance to voice their opinions on why Victor should be allowed to stay in Bear Country. Not one person spoke up to defend him. It was unanimous vote. Victor would have to pack his things and leave.

After the vote, everyone returned to whatever he or she was doing before the meeting. Victor received a few words of encouragement and pats on the back. It was nice that people didn’t just walk out of the room and ignore his feelings. After everyone cleared the room, I asked Tony if he wanted me to escort Victor out of Bear Country. He said “No” he would do it himself. Tony escorted Victor to the basement and let him gather his things. A short while later, with a sack of belongings on his back Victor left Bear Country. I have no idea if he even has a place to stay. I am hoping he doesn’t have to spend too much time on the streets. Life outside of Bear Country can be a scary place. I wish him well.

Book 1 Journal Entry 133

Book 1 Journal Entry 133

Journal 133

After bandaging Victor’s wounds, we put him in one of the empty rooms down the hall to recover. I would have sent him down to the basement to his own room, but Tony doesn’t want him there. Victor hasn’t stepped one foot out of that room for more than a day. He is still alive. I checked in on him a couple of times. He has to be hungry. The offerings of food from the garden the agriculture club is raising remained untouched. I think he feels guilty about his actions. He should feel guilty. What he did was wrong. The Black Cobras are our worst enemies since the Hulk was in power.

Sometimes life gets complicated. I hate hard decisions. After I returned from the meeting with Hess, I ran into Tony in the admin hallway. He said Victor had to go. If I hadn’t been thinking the exact same thing I would have thought Tony wanted Victor out of Bear Country to get back at the little Cobra want to be. Tony was making perfect sense. I couldn’t think of one good reason why we should let Victor stay, except for maybe his age.  Bear Country is at war with the Black Cobras and having Victor among us compromises our mission.

We are holding a meeting in an hour to tell Victor he has to leave Bear Country.

Book 1 Journal Entry 132

Book 1 Journal Entry 132

Journal 132

You’ll be glad to know that Hess of the Blue Monarchs is alive and well. I guess this is a good thing. I’m not sure anymore.  She no longer dresses in her usual kimonos. Instead, she was dressed in fatigues. She tied her hair up in a ponytail. Her personality has changed too. She lost the “Let’s all live in peace” attitude. I think she has gone over to the dark side of the force.

Hess invited me to another secret meeting. It was the same drill as before including the blindfold to the undisclosed location. Hess scolded all of us for not making more of an effort to get rid of the Black Cobras. Apparently, our laziness, indifference and unsupporting allegiance to the cause have allowed the Cobras to thrive in our community. The Blue Monarchs gave us a new list of tasks to perform against the Cobras, which included capturing as many Black Cobras as possible and delivering them to a holding area. The Blue Monarchs would take care of them from there. Hess said our time of playing nice is over. I tried to talk to Hess after the meeting, but she wasn’t interested in hearing anything I had to say. She looked at me straight in the eye and said, “You have been given your responsibilities.” In a little snippy voice, she adds, “Try to follow through this time.”

Before I could reply, she adds, “If you need anything else talk to one of my admin officers.” Then she walked out of the room. “What the (insert dirty word/s here).” The girl has gone over the edge. I have my doubts about her sanity. She is not the person I knew during the mail war.

Book 1 Journal Entry 131

Book 1 Journal Entry 131

Journal 131

I was discussing the Black Cobra issues with Matt and Hemy when Tony came through the front doors of Bear Country. He didn’t look as if he had been in a battle, so I assumed he hadn’t located Victor. I was getting ready to ask Tony if he had enjoyed his walk when Matt spoke up and asked if Runt (Victor) was roadkill.  Tony thought for a moment before answering. He said he had initially run out to catch Victor and bring him back to Bear Country but after walking around town for a couple of hours he decided it wasn’t worth the effort.  If Victor wanted to be a Black Cobras, he could accept the consequences. I was getting ready to agree when in stumbled Victor through the front doors. He looked awful. He was bleeding and bruised. My first thought was that a gang that didn’t agree with the Cobra’s way of thinking caught him.  The four of us, Matt, Hemy, Tony and I stood there staring at him. Do we help? Do we pretend he isn’t there? Do we kick him back to the curb? Victor was practically in tears. I hate it when people cry. He stretched out a bleeding arm and asked for help. I turned to look at Tony and ask him to help me get Runt upstairs. Tony shook his head “no” and walked away toward the basement. I turned to Matt and asked for his help. Victor is a little twit and probably not worth the effort (definitely not worth the effort) but at that moment I couldn’t kick him out of Bear Country. Matt and Hemy helped me get Victor upstairs.

Hemy helped me clean out and bandage Victor’s wounds. I know it’s mean but we weren’t trying to be gentle.  I caused as much discomfort as possible. Call it pay back for Victor’s treacherous deeds. Victor sat through the whole thing trying not to cry or say ouch!

Victor thought he was joining an elite group of the Black Cobras. He spent the last week performing task to prove he was worthy. It was just a Cobra game. After helping the Cobras steal our food, the Cobras told Victor he was too young to join their elite group. Victor received his injuries after he realized the Cobras tricked him. He attacked one of the older boys out of retaliation.