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Month: January 2004

Book 1 Journal Entry 30

Book 1 Journal Entry 30

Journal 30

The gang leaders and a majority of the town gathered along the streets. Everyone cheered as Sheriff Pete and his deputies escorted the former Central leader out of town. It was a long walk to the edge of town. The Hulk and his goons whined the whole way. It was “The ropes on my wrist are too tight.”” I need a drink of water.” Then they started to get nasty by making threats. Tony and the other deputies were getting irritated. You could see in their eyes that they wanted to bop each one of them around the head, neck, and shoulders with a good strong club. I was impressed with their restraint.

At the edge of town, Sheriff Pete and his deputies released the Hulk’s restraints. Hemy asked to speak to the Hulk alone. She wanted to say something important to her former gang leader. I didn’t hear what Hemy, and the Hulk discussed. Their little meeting lasted only a moment and then the Hulk and his goons continued down the road.

The walk back was quieter. I hope we did the right thing. I think we did.



Book 1 Journal Entry 29

Book 1 Journal Entry 29

Journal 29

The gang leaders gathered one more time this time to decide the fate of the Hulk and his goons. The gang leaders decided that the jail was not a good place. The inmates would need to be taken care of on a daily basis. No one wanted the responsibility to watch after them. We will escort the Hulk and his goons to the edge of town and demand they never return. Short of execution, this is the best solution. We can only hope that they change their ways and don’t victimize anyone else.

Book 1 Journal Entry 28

Book 1 Journal Entry 28

Journal 28

Time stopped for a moment as the Hulk, and I stared at each other. I’m not sure where the fight began in the gym or who exactly started the chaos but suddenly weapons were clashing and people yelling battle cries. Matt did an excellent job of organizing the resistance from the inside. The uprising against the Hulk was impressive. The fight actually didn’t last that long. I don’t know what I was expecting but things ended with the Hulk and all of his goons captured or dead. People don’t look scary when tied on ropes. The ropes don’t always help their personalities. The Hulk didn’t accept defeat very honorably. No one died on our side. Our injuries were minor. We jailed The Hulk and his remaining goons temporarily. The gang leaders will decide what to do with them later.

Tony released all the slaves from their cages including the Runt. It was a tearful reunion. Tony made sure that everyone held captive returned home to his or her gang. For someone who is mostly a loner and has a tough exterior Tony is very paternal.

I delivered the note to Hemy from Casey. I told her it was a message for someone named Xavier and that it was important that he got the note. She acted a little surprised as if I had mentioned a ghost. “I’ll give it to him,” she said. The whole thing was a little odd. Hemy was to be the new leader of the Central Bobcats. Although she said, there would be an election to make the whole thing legitimate. I wished her luck and offered our assistance if she needed any help getting things back to normal. She said life was going to be a little bit of a challenge but that she thought the people living at Central could handle it. The gangs all dispersed and went home. I said my goodbyes and left Hemy and Matt. He said he was going to hang around to help clean up. I personally think he has a crush on the new Central Gang leader.

Book 1 Journal Entry 27

Book 1 Journal Entry 27

Journal 27

I have been sitting for a long time trying to decide how to start this entry. This is going to be one of my longer entries. There is so much to tell. Everyone that was going to participate in the take over at the Central campus gathered in the admin hallway. No one said anything at first. We just stood there looking at each other. Casey asked me to deliver a note to a friend she once new at the Central campus. I said I would do my best to deliver the note. With everyone gathered, I gave everyone one more chance to back out.

The walk to Central was a quiet one, a few people chatted back and forth trying to keep the mood a little less serious. I was so nervous and afraid, but I tried to look confident. I didn’t want the others to know that I was scared.

I don’t know if the Hulk was expecting guest, but he didn’t look surprised when we entered the gym. He had a sort of welcome to the festivities grin on his face. It was a little unnerving. There was a sharp pain in the pit of my stomach as I announced to the Hulk that we were demanding that he leave Central and the local area with his goons. The room went silent. I felt as if I was beet red in the face. The Hulk stood up from his chair.

He said something sarcastic like “I’m sorry, have we met?” Trying to sound confident, I told him who I was.

He said, “Look little lady I’m going to pretend that you and your friends here haven’t disturbed my festivities. Just turn around and walk away and I won’t have my goons beat you to a pulp.”

I took a deep breath and said, “We’re not leaving but you and your goons can leave quietly or with a fight.”

The Hulk and his goons began to laugh. “You are no challenge for us; you don’t have a chance…Prepare to Die!”

I puffed up my chest in a display of courage. “I didn’t come alone; I brought a bunch of friends with me.” The gym was filled with gang members from around the community.

Book 1 Journal Entry 26

Book 1 Journal Entry 26

Journal 26

It’s early and I have butterflies in my stomach. I want today to go well. All the gangs have designated places to be around the Central campus. Our attack will occur soon after the start of the wrestling tournament. The gang leaders have agreed that we will only use the force necessary to get the Hulk and his goons to leave Central. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the violence doesn’t escalate into something ugly. I don’t want to see anyone seriously injured, especially those that are on our side.

Book 1 Journal Entry 25

Book 1 Journal Entry 25

Journal 25

Matt has sent word that he has received our plans. He had a few suggestions that might make the take-over a little easier. The Hulk has scheduled a wrestling match for tomorrow morning. The Hulk and most of his goons will be present in the gym for the event. Having everyone at the Central campus in the same location of the school will make our attack easier. I am holding a final strategy meeting this evening with the allied gang leaders.

Matt has made allies inside the Central campus among several of the current residents that do not like the Hulk’s style of leadership. This is good news. Allies inside will make the battle a little easier. I am keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly and that any injuries acquired will be minor.

Book 1 Journal Entry 24

Book 1 Journal Entry 24

Journal 24

Met with the gang leaders and shared the notes from Matt. The atmosphere in this meeting was calmer than the previous one. The gang leaders shared their thoughts on how to proceed toward getting rid of the Hulk and his goons. Everyone agreed that the Hulk was a nuisance. The longer he stayed in town the stronger he was going to get. We have all decided to band together in a show of force. A lot of violence is expected. I gave the gang leaders the opportunity to back out of the conflict if they found the risk too great. No one withdrew his or her gang. I will send a courier to inform Matt about how we plan to proceed.

Book 1 Journal Entry 23

Book 1 Journal Entry 23

Journal 23

Sheriff Pete and Tony retrieved another note from Matt.

Not everyone is happy with the way the Hulk runs the Central Campus. This is a good thing. Matt got in an argument this morning with someone trying to take his breakfast. The bully was trying to prove to his pals that he was big and tough. Matt won the argument after a knock down fight.

Matt made some friends. One in particular, a girl named Hemy. She said that there are people at Central that do not like the Hulk or his goons. The Hulk and his inner circle have most of the people who live at Central afraid. Food and a place to sleep seem to be the strongest reasons why people stay. Others stay because they enjoy wrestling tournaments and that way of life. Central reminds me of the stories I heard when I was young about gladiators. The guards force people to fight as the Hulk and his goon’s watch. Matt said there are 10 goons in the Hulks inner circle.

Book 1 Journal Entry 22

Book 1 Journal Entry 22

Journal 22

I am having trouble sleeping. I seem to worry about everything. Last night was horrible; I couldn’t shut my mind off from thinking about the day. I don’t like Matt living inside the Central campus. I don’t want him to take any unnecessary chances. I am sure he will only do what is necessary, but I still worry about him. Tony is feeling a little happier. He is anxious about Runt. It was difficult to convince him that he can’t just run over to the Central campus and get Runt back. We have a workable plan to get all the missing boys back. I think he understands that if he ran over there and tried to take Runt back right now the other missing boys could be in trouble. One step at a time and we will get our friends back. Sheriff Pete is currently training his deputies. I think he is enjoying his new role as a Sheriff. He walks differently, taller, I think.

Book 1 Journal Entry 21

Book 1 Journal Entry 21

Journal 21

Matt sent a message to me. He is inside the Central campus, and it sounds like he is doing fine. He apologized to Jonas for the eye punch. Apparently, Matt lost his balance on the last blow. Matt has access to most of the Central campus, but a couple of the areas are heavily guarded. Matt has located the Runt and the other lost boys. The boys are slaves forced to do the Hulks bidding. The goons keep the boys in cages most of the day. The Hulk’s goons force the boys to fight in the arena for amusement.

Wrestling seems to be very big on the Central campus. People are continuously challenging each other to duals. Matt has been able to avoid being challenged because he is currently not considered a threat, the higher the rank the more privileges you have and the better food you eat. Matt hopes to be home soon.